
Member Benefits

Member Benefits

Legislative Programs

NARD provides governmental representation for Nebraska's NRDs. We track legislation in the state's Unicameral that could affect NRDs, and offer input on behalf of the districts to state senators and other leaders. We also monitor federal legislation relating to natural resources, and coordinate an annual trip to Washington, D.C. to meet with Congressional represenatives and other officials.

NARD's legislative priorities are set each year by the Board of Directors at a Legislative Conference in Lincoln. Individual NRDs, through their NARD representative, offer their policy suggestions for consideration by the Board.

District Benefits

NARD coordinates a group insurance plan for the 23 NRDs including health, dental and life insurance.  All NRD employees are eligible to participate in these plan. Spouses and dependents of employees can also take part in the plan. NARD partners with Work Well to help coordinate a state wide NRD Wellness Program. NARD also coordinates retirement plans for NRD district employees.


NARD coordinates a variety of meetings, trainings and other activities relating to regional and statewide NRD concerns. The Association sponsors an annual Fall Conference, Legislative Conference, and coordinates NRD involvement in events such as Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island and the Nebraska State Fair. Representatives from NARD also attend regional basin meetings between multiple NRDs, and participate in NRD staff groups, such as the Managers Group and the Information/Education Staff Group. The NRD tree program and technical trainings are coordinated through NARD.

The Association provides coordination for statewide public relations efforts and natural resources education opportunities.