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Nebraska Natural Resources Districts News
ORD, Nebraska -- The Lower Loup NRD and the Nebraska Department of Natural Resources are partnering to offer a new cost-share program to reduce nitrogen fertilizer inputs. The Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA) established a state funded program that provides incentive payments to producers...Read more
ORD, Nebraska -- With the completion of harvest rapidly approaching, agricultural producers may be tempted to take advantage of mild, dry conditions to apply anhydrous ammonia to their fields. But producers should keep in mind that unless fall application of nitrogen takes place under optimal...Read more
LINCOLN, Nebraska — In a significant move to enhance local conservation initiatives, the Lower Platte South Natural Resources District’s (LPSNRD) Board of Directors has passed an interlocal agreement with the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD) to ensure the continuation of its well-...Read more