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NRD News
NRD News
(GRAND ISLAND, NE) The Central Platte Natural Resources District board of directors will take action on a request from UNL to participate in Project SENSE, a pilot study that promotes in-season nitrogen fertilization for corn and improving efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer applications through the...Read more
Recognizing Excellence While Protecting the Future The Twin Platte Natural Resources District would like to congratulate Bill Carhart, who was recognized at the Nebraska Habitat Meeting this past weekend in Kearney for receiving the Wildlife Professional of the Year Award. Bill began his employment...Read more
North Platte NRD Reminds Landowners About Cost-Share Opportunities The Board of Directors and Staff of the North Platte Natural Resources District (NPNRD) would like to remind producers and landowners in the District that applications for the conservation cost-share program will be reviewed on...Read more
WORK TO UPDATE MULTI-JURISDICTION HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN BEGINNING Effort Being Led by the Papio-Missouri River NRD Omaha, Nebraska - For every $1 spent on hazard mitigation, $4 in post storm cleanup and rebuilding is saved, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Proactive...Read more
Little Blue River Basin Water Management Plan in Progress Little Blue NRD and Tri-Basin NRD are working together on development of a basin-wide water plan for the Little Blue River basin. The Little Blue Natural Resources District (LBNRD) and the Tri-Basin Natural Resources District are developing...Read more
FOR RELEASE: IMMEDIATELY CONTACT: MARCIA LEE, INFORMATION/EDUCATION SPECIALIST CPNRD Information Meeting Rescheduled for March 2 (GRAND ISLAND, NE) The Central Platte Natural Resources District's CPNRD Information Meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, March 2, 2015 due to inclement weather. The...Read more
Competing at what the organizing soil scientist deemed a special site, 85 students from across the Panhandle tested their skills here in the West Region Land Judging Contest, vying for three team spots at the state contest.Read more
Planting Workshop to Outline Seedling Program LINCOLN (NE) October 10, 2014 – The Lower Platte South Natural Resources District will hold a free tree planting workshop Friday, October 17, starting at 11:00 am at the NRD office, 3125 Portia Street, in Lincoln. Instruction will be given on...Read more
The Board of Directors of the Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District held a public hearing on rules and regulations under the formation of an Integrated Management Plan for the Lower Platte River.Read more
The Papio-Missouri River Natural Resources District Board of Directors has approved a $123,550 contract with the Bartlett and West Company for the design, bidding and construction observation work on a Rosalie Water Main Extension Project that will enhance domestic water supplies for the Thurston...Read more


