
Jack Pine

Jack Pine

Jack pine is native to Canada and the Great Lake States. Needles are in pairs 1 to 2 inches long and are usually twisted. Cones are 1 to 1 1/2 inches long and persistent for many years. It is drought resistant and can be planted on a wide variety of sites, but is not recommended for limestone soils. It is best used on inside rows of windbreaks in central and western Nebraska, or as outside rows in eastern Nebraska. The jack pine’s general pyramidal form and persistent branches makes it a good substitute for eastern redcedar. Jack pine has no serious diseases, but pine tip moths can be a problem.
Height at 20: 
18 feet-30 feet
Height at Maturity: 
35 feet-45 feet
Spacing Within Rows: 
16 feet-20 feet
Spacing Between Rows: 
12 feet-24 feet