
Central Platte Natural Resources District to Take Action on Crop Evapotranspiration Study with UNL

Central Platte Natural Resources District to Take Action on Crop Evapotranspiration Study with UNL


(GRAND ISLAND, NE) – The Central Platte Natural Resources District’s board will take action on an agreement with UNL on the Nebraska Water and Energy Flux Measurement, Modeling and Research Network (NEBFLUX) with UNL at their monthly meeting on March 30, 2017.  The Project measures actual evapotranspiration rates of various vegetation surfaces by utilizing advanced techniques to measure surface energy fluxes, microclimatic variables, plant physiological parameters, soil water content, surface characteristics, and their interactions for various vegetation surfaces in the CPNRD.  The NRD has funded the project since 2007 to seek scientific-based research for the NRD’s water management programs.  The amendment would extend the project through June 2020 in the amount of $343,259.

The meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 30, 2017 at the NRD’s office located at 215 Kaufman Avenue in Grand Island, NE.


-Cease & Desist Hearings The board will hold three public hearings at 10:00 a.m. on March 30, 2017, for landowners out of compliance with the Groundwater Quality Management Program.

-Variance/Appeal Request  The board will consider an appeal from Nance County.

-Bioblitz Request  The board will consider a request from Kearney High School for funding for students to conduct water and soil samples in conjunction with UNK.

-Platte River Program  Mark Czaplewski, biologist, will give an update on the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program.

-Project Budgets The Programs, Eastern and Western Projects committees will consider budget requests for the 2017-2018 FY budget.

-Nebraska Natural Resources Commission  Mick Reynolds, Middle Platte Basin representative, will report.

-Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD)  Jim Bendfeldt , NARD board chairman, will report.

 -Cost Share  The board will consider applications through the Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation and CPNRD cost share programs.


-May Board Meeting  The board will consider moving the May board meeting date due to a conflict with the Groundwater Management District Association conference.




Marcia Lee

Information/Education Specialist

Central Platte Natural Resources District

215 Kaufman Ave  Grand Island NE 68803

(308) 385-6282