
Lower Elkhorn NRD Honors Individuals at Annual Conservation Awards Banquet

Lower Elkhorn NRD Honors Individuals at Annual Conservation Awards Banquet


NORFOLK, Nebraska -- The Lower Elkhorn NRD (LENRD) honored three area individuals at their annual awards banquet held on Thursday, March 14, 2024. This year, three awards were presented to District residents who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the stewardship of our natural resources.

2023 Outstanding Tree Planter Award – Michael Nissen Family, Oakland 
The Outstanding Tree Planter Award is presented to individuals within the District who have shown a strong commitment to the planting and care of trees. Michael, his wife Jessica, son Caleb (5), and daughter Ella (1), have more than demonstrated this commitment.

Michael started working with the LENRD about three years ago to generate a plan for tree planting that not only benefits his family and farm now, but will serve them well into the future.

“I’m impressed by Michael and his ability to think ahead and plan for the future,” said LENRD Natural Resources Technician, Todd Stewart. “Not only does he make these important decisions with the future in mind, but his enthusiasm has also encouraged his family to get involved as well.”

You may think it’s crazy for one family with two young kids and full-time jobs to plant and care for roughly 1,000 trees in the timespan of two years – especially considering they’re doing all of this during a drought. But to Michael, now is the perfect time to busy themselves with these projects because as the kids get older, the activities will pick up leaving less time to be dedicated to tree maintenance. Currently, the family has time to put forth the effort – but that may not be the case in the near future.

“He has his kids invested in it. His son will never forget this,” Stewart said.

Tree planting isn’t just a family affair for Michael, Jessica, and their kids, but for Michael’s dad Tim as well. Though Tim is a bit older than the typical NRD Conservation Tree Program applicant – especially for just starting out – that hasn’t slowed him down. Tim has now worked with the NRD to complete a major two-phase windbreak renovation around his farmstead and livestock facility. He and Michael considered the placement of future buildings and livestock pens when deciding where to place the trees.

“You don’t understand the value of a tree – until you’ve made it grow,” Nissen said.

2023 Educator of the Year Award – Jessica Evans, Osmond
Nebraska’s NRDs have a variety of projects and programs to educate both youth and adults about conservation and natural resources. To make the greatest impact, the LENRD partners with schools across the District encouraging students to become good stewards of our natural resources. Every other year, the LENRD takes the time to recognize a teacher who has demonstrated excellence throughout their career – especially when it comes to how they educate their students about natural resources and conservation.

Jessica Evans, who teaches Art/Agriculture and is an FFA Advisor for Osmond Community Schools, was selected to receive the LENRD Educator of the Year Award.

Outside of traditional classroom and textbook work in Plant Science, Horticulture, and Natural Resources, Jessica’s students experience hands on activities increasing their natural resources knowledge through programs such as Know Your Well and Northeast Area Land Judging competitions. She has also been educating students in the importance of land and soil conservation implementing no-till practices on their FFA test plot. With the help of the Osmond community, Jessica has developed an 8-acre corn and soybean test plot for the Osmond FFA Chapter.

“Jessica is an outstanding educator in our District,” said Julie Wragge, LENRD Education Coordinator. “Last fall I had the pleasure of visiting Jessica’s classroom to kick off the Know Your Well program for the year. She has a very natural ability to keep the kids focused, involved, and motivated. She uses hands-on “in the field” work to shape the students into becoming forward thinkers and future conservation leaders. It’s easy to see how much she enjoys teaching.”

Jessica became part of the “ag-ed” community in 2015 when she co-taught Agricultural Education with Craig Flaming at Osmond Community Schools. At this time, she was also working on starting the FFA program at Osmond. Osmond officially became an FFA chapter in 2016. During the last nine years, the program has produced 16 State FFA Degrees, seven Top-3 State Proficiency Awards, one State Proficiency champion and numerous LDE and CDE State Qualifiers under her leadership.

Currently, Jessica serves as the FFA District 4 Chair as well as on the Nebraska Agricultural Educator Association Board. She has been married to her husband, Andrew, for nine years and together they have a two-year-old son, Austin.

2023 Volunteer Appreciation Award – Dave Wimmer, West Point
Receiving the newly created Volunteer Appreciation Award is Dave Wimmer of West Point. Though he was originally nominated to receive the Outstanding Tree Planter Award, Dave’s community involvement and investment is really what stood out to staff.

Dave dedicates his personal time and resources to help with community tree planting projects in West Point. He sits on the town’s Parks and Recreation Board and works closely with the LENRD to utilize the Community Forestry Assistance Program. This program was developed to provide both technical and cost-share assistance to communities within the District for tree planting projects to improve, or renovate, community green spaces on public lands. Dave applies for the assistance and will even plant the trees on his property and care for them until they are big enough to be placed around the community.

“If a tree project has been completed within the past 10 years, there’s a really good chance Dave had something to do with it,” said Todd Steward, LENRD Natural Resources Technician.

Though he humbly accepted this award, Dave acknowledged that he hasn’t done it alone. He brought the whole group to accept the award and share the recognition with everyone involved.

“Dave is a locally respected leader that has the ability to influence and encourage others to participate,” said Brian Brucker, LENRD General Manager.

Stewart echoed this sentiment stating, “He’s the glue for the rest of the group.”

The LENRD is appreciative of everyone in the District who helps us work towards our mission of improving quality of life by promoting and demonstrating sound methods of stewardship for all natural resources. The Lower Elkhorn NRD extends a special “thank you” to Michael, Jessica, and Dave for all they do to promote and encourage conservation practices.