
Lewis & Clark NRD Offers Cost Share to Seal Wells

Lewis & Clark NRD Offers Cost Share to Seal Wells


HARTINGTON, Nebraska -- The Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District (LCNRD) provides cost share to seal unused, or abandoned irrigation or domestic wells. If you have a well which is no longer serviceable and need to have it permanently taken out of service, LCNRD can help you protect your property and groundwater by having it properly sealed.

Sealing unused wells protects the health and safety of the residents of the district by preventing personal injury due to accidents that can occur around forgotten, unused wells. Improperly sealed wells increase the risk of groundwater contamination by sediment, fertilizers, and pesticides.  Wells that are left open are a direct passage for these and other contaminates to reach the groundwater supply, bypassing the earth’s natural filter – soil and subsoil components.

It is important that unused wells are sealed properly to achieve maximum protection from accidental injury and or groundwater contamination. Because of the potential threat to lives and groundwater, LCNRD provides financial assistance through cost-share to properly seal abandoned wells. Applications are available from LCNRD or from the county Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Completed applications must include a bid from a licensed well contractor and the work to seal the well cannot begin until the request is approved. The approved cost of sealing the well is reimbursed by LCNRD at a 75% rate upon receipt of the contractor’s bill. Components of sealing a well that are not eligible for cost share include, but are not limited to, removal of windmill towers, pumps and concrete covers.

If you have an abandoned well on your property take advantage of the opportunity to seal it properly. Protect yourself, your family, and your neighbors by protecting our groundwater.